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Chaos In Ring- CiR :: The Shows :: Monday Night Aggresion :: Aggression Results :: 11/24/08 results - View Topic
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11/24/08 results (24th Nov 08 at 10:03am UTC)
Y2J vs. RVD - Ambulance Match

Start : Y2J and RVD trying to make some submissions , RVD does a arm drag and Y2J quickly gets up , he goes for a clothesline but RVD counters it into a monkey flip throwing him at the ambulance , Jericho gets out of the ambulance and kicks RVD in the gut , followed into a neckbreaker

Middle : RVD puts Y2J in 2 tables , then he climbs a ladder , he does the five-star frog splash , but Jericho counters it and hits a codebreaker

Final : RVD throws a chair to Y2J and hits the Vandaminator , Y2J falls into the ambulance and RVD close the doors

Winner : RVD(New Heavyweight Champion)

Big Show vs. Roque - 4 corners match

Start : Roque runs to the corner but Big Show stops him and throws him into the corner , after that he starts to connect some Big Slaps

Middle : Roque Clotheslines Big Show and touchs 1 corner , 2 corners , 3 corners and then he is pushed by Big Show That Chokeslams him

Final : Big Show is going to hit a Powerful Punch but out of nowhere Roque counters it and touchs the 4th corner to win the match

Winner : Roque(New Junior Heavyweight Champion)

Yuri Masakishi vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Jay Lethal(Main Event) - Hell in a Cell Hardcore Match

Start : Brock Lesnar and Jay Lethal team up to beat down Masakishi , and then Lethal connects a sleeper hold on Lesnar that counters it into a irish whip , Lesnar goes for a hip toss but Jay Lethal counters into a dropkick

Middle : Brock Lesnar throw Jay Lethal On The Cell and picks up a chair , he puts the chair at the head of lethal and starts kicking it , he picks up a sledge hammer and hits into the chair(his head) , the two of them go out of the cell and start punching each other

Final : Brock Lesnar Throws Jay Lethal at the top of the cell , Yuri Masakishi Climbs the Cell when Lesnar is distracted , and hits The Great ''Y'' , he goes for the cover



Winner : Masakishi(New United States Champion)

Locker Room :
Masakishi is walking at the locker room then he comes into his office , lights go dark and crowd gets scared , camera fades , ending the show
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